Labour Candidate for Downley
I live, and have spent most of my life, in Downley Ward. I’m a Manager, a wife, and a mother. I’ve not had it easy for parts of my life, and the absolute determination I’ve needed to get though the challenges I’ve faced, alongside my managerial skills, and a strong moral ethic, is what I bring to you now, to fight for you, and the place we love.
The sorely-needed changes haven’t been delivered by toeing the Conservative Council majority line. Over the years, our fears and worries about dangerous driving, the road issues, the antisocial behaviour, and fly tipping have only worsened. Add to that the lack of SEND provision, secondary school provision and associated costs, social housing issues, lack of healthcare provision, and you can clearly see that keeping the status quo hasn’t delivered for Downley.
With a proactive Wycombe Labour MP serving in a Labour Government, the best way for you to see real change across the board is to choose a Labour councillor. If that councillor is also someone who’ll stop at nothing to give you the representation at council that you deserve, and listen without prejudice to the problems you face, and who wants to really change our ward for the better, just think what we can achieve together.
I’m excited and ready. I hope you are too.