Ian Bates

Labour Candidate for Marsh & Micklefield

A Wycombe resident for more than 30 years, my children attended the area’s state schools throughout. My son now works as a civil servant overseas and my daughter was, until recently, a teacher at a local school. Now taking a career break to look after her own three children, she lives in Micklefield.

I worked in engineering for more than 35 years, 20 running my own small business. For the last few years before retirement, I worked for the NHS in the local Ambulance Trust.

I continue my public service as a secondary school trustee after many years as a governor at primary schools and a secondary school in Wycombe. Alongside all of this I have served three four-year terms as a councillor for Wycombe District and Bucks County Councils, bodies now combined, with others, into Buckinghamshire Council.

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